COMING SOON - Don't Shoot Your Puppy!


(Or get them adopted)

It's not as hard as it seems.

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The Governor shot her puppy dog!

  You may have heard about the South Dakota governor who shot her puppy dog. This story broke largely in 2024, when some had been thinking of her as a potential running mate for Donald Trump. The dog was still a puppy, as revealed in her new book. She describes it as having been agressive...

  When something like this happens, people tend to want to hold their ground and try to defend their position, even if it's an unpopular one. Almost never do you hear anyone admit that they could have made an impulsive decision - or even an outright mistake - regarding anything. But that would be a refreshing course of action.

  The practice of shooting dogs for various reasons is not un-heard-of, especially for those of us who've been around awhile. However this wasn't "Old Yeller" and, in this modern era, for most all of us it tends to pull at our heart strings, and for good reasons!

  Puppies are a known "nuisance" of sorts. Because they are so young, they are rambuncious. Especially certain breeds. My family once had a labrador puppy and she had so much energy! She also started eating my shoes! I lost two pairs of good shoes before getting her properly trained (and putting my shoes up high, for awhile). We loved our lab, and she became a wonderful dog. It just took a few weeks of patience, for us to get her trained. I wish we'd known ahead of time, what to expect. That would have made things easier.

  If you find yourself in a situation with a rambuncious new puppy and you'd like a few tips for how to shorten the learning curve and make things go more smoothly, there is hope!

In the "Don't Shoot Your Puppy!" course you could learn:

First Tip

Tip 1 description

Second Tip

Tip 2 description

Third Tip

Tip 3 description

Fourth Tip

Tip 4 description

It’s The Brand New Guide For Anybody Seeking to Train Their New Puppy a Little Bit Faster!

You and Your Family Really Could Have a Furry Family Member Who Behaves Well!

Got a new puppy dog? Then why wait? Get them trained up now! 

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